Curriculum and Classes
At Huakailani, the teachers and students work collaboratively to help each girl find her own path to knowledge. Using the tenets of both Universal Design for Learning and PBLWorks (Project Based Learning) we offer multiple opportunities for our girls to connect with the material in different ways and recognize and apply its usefulness. Skills and content are taught along with the application of knowledge in order to maximize learning potential. This formula scaffolds students to enter their learning journey ready to be a partner in their own learning, establishing a strong academic foundation. Students acquire the learning skills they need for success in school and in life. We are committed to creating a nurturing, challenging and supportive community that embraces and celebrates diversity, and ensures equitable and inclusive access to learning for all out students.
Classroom Learning
Huakailani School for Girls also teaches to multi-age groups. The multi-age configuration is a child-centered approach that accommodates all types of learners in a highly academic setting. The focus is on giving every child the opportunity to find success and become a lifelong learner. Classes are structured to enable students to gain a higher-level understanding of concepts through continual reinforcement and different academic applications.
The multi-age approach takes a developmental view of learning. The student’s education is structured over several years to support their natural development, and the teacher’s role is to lead the direction of that learning. Expectations for what children are learning are high, but appropriate. As a result, children are more likely to cooperate than compete. The spirit of cooperation and caring makes it possible for children to help each other as individuals, not see each other as competitors, and work together to ensure every student is successful.
Curriculum Choices
Core classroom curriculum is aligned with the National Common Core Standards and the Hawaii Department of Education frameworks. The frameworks and standards provide an outline of specific content to be taught by grade level in language arts, math, history, geography, science, and fine arts. We approach the teaching with the goal of not only mastering the core academic content, but also making sure our students can think critically, work collaboratively, communicate effectively, and develop the strong academic mindset to foster a true love of learning.
With these goals in mind, we are committed to providing students with differentiated instruction; to meet each student where they are and adapt the curriculum choices to meet their current needs. Students working above grade level will be challenged, while students in need if remediation are supported appropriately. Differentiation is built into the curriculum and guides how each student is taught.
Currently, Huakailani School for Girls uses the following curriculum as guides, and we tailor these to create a specific, project-based learning program that best fits each student and learning group:
- Amplify Reading and Language Arts Science of Reading Based Programs for K-2
- Amplify CKLA Language Arts based on the Core Knowledge Foundation Standards 3-8
- Writing Revolution and Writer’s Workshop 3-8
- Next Generation Science Standards K-8
- Dimensions Singapore Math and Guided Math K-8
- Core Knowledge Social Studies and History, along with Kamehameha Schools KS Digital Hawaiian Studies Program K-8
In addition, we offer art, music, drama, enrichment and physical education and weekly collaborative STEAM classes aligned with learning standards.
We also offer multiple avenues for supported learning, including:
- Lexia Core-5 Reading and Dyslexia Support Program
- Prodigy Math
- IXL Grammar
- Learning Ally Audio Books Program
- Curriculum Associates Phonics for Reading Program
- Wilson/Orton-Gillingham Individual Programs
Huakailani School for Girls is also committed to extracurricular programs that encourage cooperative learning, support multiple learning styles, and foster a global perspective. These include after-school clubs and academic enrichment programs, character education and social-emotional support groups, and an array of community service projects. Twice a year we showcase our students in live performances, and host numerous school open-houses.