Performing and visual arts, foreign language, physical education and music are an essential part to providing a well-rounded education for all Huakailani students.
A well-documented national study found that participation in the Arts and standardized test scores had a direct relationship: the more arts classes, the higher the scores. Research has also shown that the Arts creates a positive learning environment that motivates students while enhancing reading, writing, mathematics, cognitive and social skills.
• Character Education – Students study and discuss character qualities such as fairness, honesty, compassion, responsibility, respect and self-discipline. The program helps develop student’s critical thinking, emotional intelligence and corresponding social skills, thus addressing the “head, heart and hand” of character development.
• Art & Music— Individual expression and communication is nurtured. In the arts In order to grow and develop in art , students should be in a nurturing, encouraging and inspirational environment. The program offers children the opportunity to create works based on their own perspectives and imagery. Since a great deal of a student’s world is their school and education, the arts program integrates with the school curriculum. The integrated approach to art education encourages students to develop their own voice within the exploration of academic ideas. Art and music lessons reinforce subjects being learned and give students alternative opportunities to express themselves. Students are introduced to the elements of art: line, shape, form, value, color, space and texture. They are encouraged to be independent in thought and are stimulated by the introduction of a variety of art mediums including clay, acrylic and watercolor paint, printing inks, charcoal and pastels. Students practice problem solving and investigating new ideas while exploring a wide variety of art mediums. Art and music history is taught in the context of a given emphasis. Singing and playing a variety of instruments and exploring with rhythms and sounds is a core of the music program offerings. The aim is to reinforce art appreciation through the study of the arts its place in various cultures throughout history. The main goal for the art curriculum is to teach students to be confident in expressing themselves through the application of art skills.
• Guidance – At the Huakailani School, positive, growth-promoting guidance includes ignoring minor misbehaviors and encouraging proper behavior by redirecting, discussing consequences, giving choices, and teaching conflict resolution. The teachers foster self-discipline by modeling effective problem-solving communication. Character education is integrated into all areas of the curriculum. Advisory sessions cover topics such as friendship, feelings, decision-making, self-awareness and self-esteem, careers, protective behaviors and celebrating diversity.
Foreign Language—Japanese – All students have the opportunity to study a second language. Students learn to communicate in another language and also gain an understanding of cultures in which the language is spoken. The philosophy of the foreign language program is to make learning a foreign language an academically challenging, interesting and fun pursuit. The study of a foreign language, any language, at the elementary school level has been proven to positively affect a child!s ability to learn a second language and their ability to excel in other academic areas.
• In accordance with current linguistic and brain research studies, children who study a second language at a young age achieve expected goals, and have even higher scores and standardized tests scores in reading, language arts, and mathematics than those who have not studied a foreign language.
• Students studying a foreign language show greater cognitive development in such areas as mental flexibility, creativity, divergent thinking, and higher order thinking skills. Linguistic studies indicate that elementary school foreign language study has a favorable effect on foreign language study in high school and college, often leading to advanced placement.
• Students who study a second language develop a sense of cultural pluralism (understanding and appreciation of other cultures.) Learning a foreign language is enjoyable because it is the gateway to another world and an important asset in today’s global economy.
• Huakailani school students are excellent students of a foreign language and are less self-conscious about using authentic pronunciation than adolescents or adults because of their age. Because of their fantastic ability and love of learning, children are capable of discovering the world and their own potential through a foreign language.